Nurturing our Students to Become Mensches

Have you recently asked a parent or grandparent what kind of person they would like their child/grandchild to grow up to be? Some may say a doctor or a different professional, but many will say ‘a mensch’ – a person of integrity, honest, fair, respectful and kind.  In summary – a good person.

Kehila Heschel school endeavors to help our students in becoming menschen throughout all learning and facets of our program.  Our educational philosophy and integrated curriculum are guided by Jewish values, Derek Eretz, social action, Tikkun Olam and caring for those in need.

Through out the year, Kehila Heschel teachers guide our students in the behaviors which exemplify a ‘mensch’ –kindness in words and action, empathy, sharing, collaborating, helping others in need, and having the courage to do the right thing. Students learn that each of them has the power to affect others and the world in their own way.

In September and October, our students harvested the bounty of the Kehila Heschel vegetable garden and shared it with the HJFS food bank; they dedicated one of the garden beds which grew indigenous crops in remembrance of the children in residential schools and their community; they directed their tzedakah to mothers and babies in need and brought in products for babies to ensure they had diapers, formula, creams and other necessities.  Through these social action projects, students actively learned how their actions make a difference in their community.

In November students discussed the characteristics of individuals in the Hanukah story and the qualities of a leader, hero, bully, a friend, a menschen.  Students learned from the Maccabees and experienced in their projects that the more they collaborate with each other, the more they can accomplish. Grade three students discussed and came to understand the importance of standing up for their beliefs and of their responsibility to their community.

Kehila Heschel school is nurturing the ‘menschen’ of tomorrow.


Teachers Make Kehila Heschel an Exceptional Place to Learn


Teaching Resilience in the Classroom